Hillside Sunday Bulletin | August 14, 2022

Hillsidemn   -  


The worship service is streaming live. Please silence mobile phones and noises that could interfere. Thank you!


Worship Through Song 


Jesus: True God and Eternal Life, 1 John 5:13-21
Brian Gingerich, Senior Pastor

Closing Song


We’re glad you are here today! After the service, please look for our welcome center counter (under the “I am new here” sign in our lobby). Someone there will be happy to answer any questions you have about Hillside. We’d also love for you to fill out a connect card, so you can receive a welcome letter via email with more information.



Childcare is provided during the entire worship service for children birth-age 3. 

Preschool-aged children go with their parents to the worship service and may leave for Kids Worship when announced.

Children in Kindergarten and up will remain in the worship service with their families during the summer months.



 COMMUNION (gluten free communion units are available)

Today we celebrate “Communion” – the reenactment of Jesus’ intimate final meal with His disciples before He died on the cross. The bread represents His body, the cup His blood. All are welcome to participate by examining their relationship to Him and surrendering to Him as Lord. Please pick up a communion unit available at the table on the lawn or as you enter the Worship Center. Parents discern when their child is ready to participate.

Benevolence Offering: On Communion Sunday an offering is taken as you leave the worship service for those in our Hillside family who are experiencing financial difficulties. If contributing, please make checks payable to Hillside Church, or text: hillsidemn to 77977.

PRAYER FOR THE START OF SCHOOL Families and friends, let’s gather at Hillside Church at 9:00am on Saturday, August 20, for donuts and a time of prayer for the start of the school year. Then we’ll disperse to our various schools in Bloomington or other communities to spend about a half-hour praying “on site with insight.” Whether you are in a public or private school or home school – or you “graduated” from school years ago – we want to come together to pray for a great school year. Bring your friends, too! This is a fun way to get ready for school – and invite God to be at work in every classroom.


Badminton: Every skill level welcome. Gym

Celebrate Recovery for Men: Biblically balanced program to overcome hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Conference RoomHouse of Prayer: Prayer team-led time of intercession, praying for the needs of our church family, friends, and beyond.

HILLSIDE WEEKLY The Hillside Weekly is now sent out on Wednesdays. If you didn’t receive it, please check your spam, if it’s not there, contact the church office. 

HILLSIDE KIDS – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Making an impact for the Kingdom of God has never been easier! We need YOU to help share the love of God and the good news of Jesus with the children at Hillside! These roles can be as often as weekly or as little as once a month and require little to no preparation. With two services to choose from during the school year, you never have to miss a service! Simply email our children’s ministries team (Katie, Jen, or Tara) or fill out a volunteer interest form through the Church Center app or at hillsidemn.org/kids.

MINISTRY EXPOJoin us in the gym following the worship service on Sunday, Aug. 28, from 11:15am – 12:30pm, to peruse all the ministries at Hillside available this coming school year. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions and discover where your interests and spiritual gifts fit! Information on each ministry will also be online as well as the ability to register. 


– Kids Check-In Station Greeter 

– Helpers during the 9:15 or 11:00 service for: Nursery 

Toddlers (18-35 months) 3s Room 

– After kids are dismissed from the 9:15am service: 

Preschool (4-5s) Helpers 

Kindergarten Helpers 

1-2nd Grade Helpers 

3-4th Grade Helpers 

5-6th Grade Helpers 

– After kids (up to age 5) are dismissed from the 11:00am service: 

Preschool (4-5s) Helpers


– Kindergarten Helper – weekly or every other week 

– A one-on-one “para” type of position for specific kids who need 

more one-on-one help during class 

– Nursery (birth through 35 months) – no prep, caring for kids in the nursery 

– Preschool Helper- no prep, lead kids through the evening 


– Preschool/Kindergarten Teacher – teach a 15-minute lesson using 

provided curriculum 

– Kids ROCK leader (1-4th grade) – no prep, lead a small group 

through evening activities 

– Kids ROCK Teacher (1-4th grade) – teach a 15-minute lesson using 

provided curriculum 

– Impact Leader (5-6th grade) – no prep, lead a small group through 

the evening activities, facilitate small group discussion 

– Impact Teacher (5-6th grade) – teach a lesson using provided 


– Substitute for any of the above positions 

CHURCHCENTER – Directory Looking for a church directory? It’s available on your ChurchCenter app! With your app open, click the “Directory” icon in the lower right corner. You should be prompted to accept the invitation that was sent to you a few weeks ago. As you peruse the list of information you can choose to give, we encourage you to share as much as possible to promote good communication within our Hillside family. Don’t forget to add your picture – a selfie is perfect! A complete directory is so helpful, so please get your contact info on today. Our directory is a secure site – only those in your Hillside family sent an invitation are able to see information. Need help or an invitation?

Contact the church office: 952-831-5050, or joni@hillsidemn.org. 

Haven’t gotten the app yet?

1. Download the ChurchCenter app from the App Store or GooglePlay. 

2. Follow the promptings until you find “Hillside Church” on the menu.

3. Enter your mobile number when it asks for it. If you are already a part of our church family, please use the same number that is already in our system. Enter the code that will be immediately texted to your phone. Since we already have your information, you will automatically be logged in as yourself. If you’re new to Hillside, just follow the promptings to create a new profile.

4. To add a picture to your profile, click on the circle in the upper right corner of the screen. Website: hillsidemn.churchcenter.com is available for all, especially if you do not have a smart phone for the app. Need help? Contact the church office during the week: 952-831-5050


Weekly Budget: $29,174.23

8/7 Actual: $20,315.39 Difference: – $8,858.84

Year-to-Date: Budget: $145,871.15

Giving: $101,753.25 Difference: – $44,117.90