Plan a Visit

4300 W. 98th Street, Bloomington, MN 55437

We'd Love to See You at Hillside!

Watch this brief video message from Dr. Brian Gingerich, Hillside's Senior Pastor.

Lobby Remodel: Pardon Our Mess!

We are working to expand our lobby—however this means there are some temporary changes to our space while construction is underway. Watch this video to learn more!

When And Where Are Services?
  • Sunday mornings at 9:00A & 10:45A
  • Location: 4300 W. 98th Street, Bloomington (two blocks west of France Ave, just up the hill from Normandale Community College).
  • Our services can also be viewed online through our website, YouTube Channel, and Facebook.
Where Do I Start?
  • Main entrance is located at the front of the building. Look for the canopy with the cross on top!
  • Parking also available in the lot at the back of the building (which may be easier for the elderly, families with young children, and those who have difficulty walking).
  • Once inside, our greeters will welcome you, direct you, and assist with any questions you have!
  • Feel free to stop by our cafeteria to grab a cup of coffee or a donut! Just look for our “Coffee & Community” signage.
What Is a Worship Service Like?
What Is a Worship Service Like?
  • Services are usually around 75 minutes long.
  • We begin with a time of worship through music, with music that is culturally relevant but mindful of our legacy, seeking to honor Christ in a way that draws us into His presence. Check out our Spotify playlist to get a feel for the kinds of music we sing.
  • Our pastor then preaches a sermon, explaining how we can apply the Bible to daily life. Typically, he preaches in an expository style—an in-depth look at a specific passage of Scripture. You can watch videos of archived sermons here.
  • There is a special “tithes and offerings” moment in each service, when we invite the congregation to quietly reflect on the generosity of God and for members and regular attenders to consider how they can give financially towards the ministry of Hillside. (Hillside will never pressure visitors to give).
  • Other elements often found in the service: Communion (usually the first Sunday of each month), ministry updates, faith stories, child dedications, baptism, and more.
  • Need prayer? Immediately following the service, members of our prayer team will be up front to pray with you, if you’d like.

What About My Kids & Teens?


We are pleased to offer programming for kids birth-grade 6 during both services!

We’d Love to Welcome Your Child On Sunday! Here’s how to do it:

  1. Check-In: Check your child in at the Kids Check-In counter (towards the back entrance of the building).
    • You’ll be asked to complete a brief form with some basic information about your child.
    • A name tag will print for your child. Families with kids birth-age 2: a security tag will also print for your child, which you must present upon pick-up.
  2. Bring Your Child to Where They Should Go:

    • Birth-Age 2: Drop off in their classrooms.
    • Age 3: 9:00 service – drop off in classroom. 10:45 service: bring your child to the beginning of the worship service with you. Midway through, they will be invited to go to their class.
    • Age 4-Grade 6: Bring your child to the beginning of the worship service. Midway through, they will be invited to go to their class.


  • Middle School Class (Grades 7-8): Grounded, our middle school Sunday morning class, meets weekly during the 9:00A service, except for the first Sunday of the month. Students begin in the service, then may leave for the class when kids are dismissed. Learn more here.
  • High School Class (Grades 9-12): Rooted, our high school Sunday morning class, meets during the entire 9:00 service in three, multi-week “sessions” throughout the school year, beginning in late October. Learn more here.
How Do I Get Connected?

“Connecting” is an important part of our mission at Hillside, so we have many opportunities for people to get involved and meet others.

  • Come to our next New Attender’s Lunch! Meet the staff and learn more about Hillside over a casual lunch. Kids welcome. Dates listed below.
  • Wednesday Nights are our midweek connecting point. We offer supper at 5:30, followed by kids clubs, youth group, a prayer meeting, and more from 6:30-8:00P. Learn more here.
  • We offer a variety of adult Bible studies and classes, which can be a great way to meet others. Learn more here.
  • Small Groups are a core part of what we do at Hillside, where you’ll grow and serve Jesus with others. Learn more here.
  • We strongly encourage you to subscribe to our Weekly email and download the Church Center app, to get timely updates and to make connecting just a little bit easier! Use the buttons below.

New to Hillside? Check Out These Opportunities for You:

There are no new attenders events planned at this time. Stay tuned!