Meet the Staff: Katie Schmidt, Hillside Kids Sunday Ministry Leader


Welcome to our “Meet the Staff” column, where we’ll get to know each of Hillside’s staff members a little better, “Q & A” style!


Katie Schmidt

What is your job title?

Hillside Kids Sunday Ministry Leader

What are your job responsibilities?

I plan, prepare, and teach for our Kindergarten-6th graders on Sunday mornings. Sundays for kids at Hillside are primarily focused on discipleship, so I LOVE teaching kids to know and love God, specifically by knowing him through his Word.

How long have you worked at Hillside?

3 Years

Tell us a little bit about your background:

I grew up in Bloomington and have been attending Hillside Church since I was four years old! In fact, it was at a VBS at Hillside (Bloomington Baptist Church back then) that I remember asking Jesus to be my Lord and Savior! I am beyond grateful for many years of leaders (Awana, anyone?!), teachers, and pastors, who invested in the formation of my faith over the years at Hillside.

I graduated from Bethany Academy (one of UCA’s legacy schools) and attended Bethel College (now University!) where I got a degree in 5th-12th grade Communication Arts and Literature Education! I still think it was the best major ever because while everybody else had to read dry course material for their degree, I got to read ——literature! It was the best!!

After graduating from Bethel in 2004, I worked as an eighth grade language arts teacher in the Centennial School district where I LOVED teaching kids how to read and write well. I started staying at home when our first daughter, Britta was born in 2010. Since then, I have LOVED being able to be at home, on the forefront of raising our girls. I have loved working with kids my entire life. In fact, in 2nd grade, I knew that I wanted to be a teacher. So it’s my dream come true to be able to teach kids about what I care about most: Jesus and God’s Word! I also volunteered for many wonderful years with Young Life and worked at Trout Lake Camps for 2 summers, so I got a front row seat to discipling kids even before I had my own!

What are some favorite parts about your job and/or working at Hillside in general?

I love helping kids see that the Bible is a book about God and to know him, we have to know his Word. And when we know Him, we will love Him and live for him. As I do this, you may find me coming into church most days with a random assortment of bags and teaching illustrations—anything from beach balls to salt shakers to science experiments that teach kids about God and his Word through memorable, engaging, and meaningful illustrations and activities. I love the joy of seeing people using their gifts well and I’m so grateful for the front row seat I have to the body of Christ working together.

Name a favorite passage of Scripture or book of the Bible, and why you like it.

How could I choose a favorite!? I love the book of Exodus because of the many themes that carry through the entire rest of the story of Scripture— Deliverance, the Tabernacle, the Mediator, and more! I also love the book of Hebrews because of the way it echoes the Old Testament. It ties together the Old Testament and the New Testament in such a beautiful way. I especially love the passage in Hebrews 11:13-16because I want to be one who is “still living by faith….” while “longing for a better country.”:

“All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.”

What are some of your hobbies?

Tuesday Morning Bible study! Since I am a teacher at heart, I LOVE helping lead Tuesday Morning Bible study! I love studying God’s Word with other women who are excited to study God’s Word. Plus, it gives me a chance to write on a whiteboard (the teacher in me!) and help plan good discussion questions!

When I’m not prepping kids lessons or Bible study discussions, you’ll find me working on Shutterfly books, listening to podcasts, and generally multitasking through my busy days! And our family LOVES traveling together! I also love spending time outside together- which is why I also love going on “hikes” that I affectionately call “short walks in the woods” so the girls don’t complain about “going on a hike.” Oh- also I’m usually drinking a chai from Mugshots while doing all of these things.

What are a few of your favorite things these days?

I was an English major, so I LOVE READING, but I only average about a book a year these days (usually one that I read on vacation!) because of the busy season of life I am in. I feel most productive when I’m doing laundry and listening to podcasts, so it “almost” feels like reading!? I love the Bible Project Podcast and the Knowing Faith podcast because they help me think more deeply about the things of God. They also help me realize that studying God’s Word WITH PEOPLE is my favorite thing! So hearing other people talk about the Bible and it’s deeper themes, gets me really excited.

Most recently I read the book “Habits of the Household” that helped me think about how I can be intentional even in the midst of daily routines. And also “Women of the Word” changed the way I approach studying the Bible. These are two that I would tell EVERYONE to read.

Household/family info?

I’m married to Ben who makes it possible for me to wear the many hats that I wear, all while serving on the Worship Team almost every week! We got married in 2008 at Hillside (when there used to be an organ but no center aisle!) and we share a mutual love of Awana memories, Taco Bell, being outside, hanging by the pool, and traveling (and those are in no particular order!). Most of all though, we LOVE spending every second we can with our amazing 3 girls, who you can find setting up the kids check-in stations every week and helping me problem solve technology issues. They are the some of the best helpers around!

What city (or general area of the Twin Cities) do you live in?

Bloomington, right by Mugshots! Meet me there!