Meet the Staff: Ruth Whipple, Volunteer Coordinator/Children’s Ministry Admin


Welcome to our “Meet the Staff” column, where we’ll get to know each of Hillside’s staff members a little better, “Q & A” style!


Ruth Whipple

What is your job title?

Volunteer Coordinator/Children’s Ministry Admin

What are your job responsibilities?

I assist the volunteer ministry leads with whatever they may need in their ministries. I coordinate the Sunday morning volunteers from the Hospitality and Early Childhood Teams. I help facilitate volunteer needs for the church as needed. I also help people find the best spot for them to serve according to their needs and their giftings. I also help with accounts receivable. And anything else anyone needs done.

How long have you worked at Hillside?

11 months

Tell us a little bit about your background:

I grew up in Western Kansas, a Chicago suburb, and landed in Minnesota at 9 years old. I graduated from Bethel College in 1995 with a degree in Nursing. I worked at Children’s Hospital for five years including being an Assistant Manager before I chose to stay home and raise my four kids. I have always had a passion for orphans, adoption, and struggling kids. This has played out in our family life with three of our kids being from Guatemala.

What are some favorite parts about your job and/or working at Hillside in general?

The People!!! As the unofficial staff extrovert I love getting to know people and helping them find a place to serve in the church that flows with their giftings. God has created each of us differently and we all have something special to contribute to the body of Christ.

Name a favorite passage of Scripture or book of the Bible, and why you like it.

2 Chronicles 20:12b: “I know not what to do but my eyes are fixed on you.” The past few years have been challenging in our family life and this verse reminds me of my anchor and that He holds me steady amidst the storm. It also reminds me to keep my eyes fixed on Him when the seas are beautiful and calm.

What are some of your hobbies?

I enjoy reading, movies, and hanging out with people.

What are a few of your favorite things these days?

Some of my favorite books are “Evidence Not Seen” by Darlene Diebler Rose “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn, and “Lonesome Dove” by McMurtry. Ben Rector is a favorite artist. Matthew West’s “Truth Be Told” is a current favorite song along with Toby Mac’s “Faithfully”.

Household/family info?

I have been delightedly married to Chad for 28 years and we have four young adult kids (and a son-in-law) that are spreading their wings into the world.

What city (or general area of the Twin Cities) do you live in?

Just down the street from the church in Central Bloomington.