Missions Report: Roatan, Honduras, 2024



This past August, eighteen Hillsiders—including seven adults and eleven youth—traveled to Roatan, Honduras, to serve with Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries’ Greenfield Children’s Home for a week. And what a week it was!

The trip was led by Kris and Kim Dorn (who brought their three kids along, too). Kris documented the trip through a series of daily emails sent out to several supporters of the trip. Kris’ unique writing style paints a great picture of the team’s experiences, and the entries are enjoyable to read!

Below are the emails that Kris sent out each day, so that you can read it and get a better feel for all that God did in and through the trip!

ROATAN, 2024

by Kris Dorn


Friday, August 9, 2024

We have made it safely to Roatan and are settled into our living quarters for the week.

It is very hot outside, but it is very nice in the AC of our rooms!

Orsy and Banesa met us at the airport and drove us directly to Sandy Bay Lighthouse Ministries.

He gave us a tour of their campus and our MN kids were able to play with the kids that live on campus.
Orsy took a few of us to get groceries and then pick up pizza to bring back for dinner.
You can tell that Orsy and Banesa are well-respected in the community:
They know people everywhere and are shining their light to those around them.
The entire group did a great job traveling today, so proud of our team!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Cereal and eggs is how we started our day as we awaited our assignment under the fans.
Then we heard a truck, and sure enough there was a pile of dirt that needed a plan.

They’ve been rebuilding a garden that had been destroyed from some excavation work.
So we all grabbed shovels and hoes and rakes and started moving and spreading that dirt.

A fresh, flat spread of top soil was needed to plant a new grove of banana trees.
Everyone got busy pulling out trash and leveling the earth and hauling wheelbarrows full,
over the plank that crossed the irrigation stream.

Sweating our way to midday, we then enjoyed a break with some great local fare.
Passion fruit juice and chicken and fish and rice and beans and salad and fruit.

We got in a siesta before round two, as another pile of dirt was delivered.
Everyone worked hard under the afternoon sun as the sweat was drenching us completely.

But we felt the Lord’s touch in the gentle breeze that cooled us from time to time so sweetly.
It has been a great day of service, loving those on this campus that are living their lives for the King.

Tonight we will eat and relax and enjoy getting more acquainted with those that call this place home.
We’ve been blessed today in so many ways, may we continue to know God more.

The Lord, The Lord, the Compassionate and gracious God,
Slow to anger and overflowing with loyal love and faithfulness.
Exodus 34:6

Sunday, August 11, 2024

This was our day of rest as we slept in for a bit.
Sausage and pancakes we ate before putting on our fancy outfits.

In the top of our building the campus gathers for church each Sunday.
The Spirit was present as we focused in to understand the interpreted message.

Everyone was there, even some dogs under chairs, enjoying praise music in English and Spanish.

Then we were blessed with a great lunch and some down time,
Before the 2 pm yellow bus fired up for a ride.

Yes, Orsy has talent, we’re all aware, but he showed another skill behind that big steering wheel.
Up and down hills, narrow roads with tight turns, backing up and turning  around, his driving skills are for real.

Orsy and Banesa have another connection as we found a nice spot on the beach.
With shade and chairs and space to share for all our playing needs.

Then off the coast with snorkels a whole new world could be discovered.
As we all took turns being amazed at the creation to be found down under.

God’s creativity shined through in the coral reef and all the colors found on the fish scales and fins.
And we took it all in with our new friends, from the campus, that we are making.

So we’re from the bold north: where the pines and the cold and the snow and hockey reign.
But we’re seeing God’s beauty in the banana trees and sand and waves and the kids futbol games.

We serve the same God who created it all: different environments and different races.
But He’s the same to us all and He shows us His beauty in all the smiling faces.

And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures,
And let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.”
So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:20-22

Monday, August 12, 2024

We returned from the beach last night and the heavens let loose.
When it rains here, it comes down with purpose; and this morning as we arose we got another round for more proof.

So our pile was drenched and the garden was soggy, but at nine Orsy assured us we should give it a go.
Everyone stepped up and we got that dirt spread with some make-shift planks to transport our wheel barrows.
The project was finished and the trash pile delivered to the dump in two trailer loads.

Hamburguesas and fries for the mid-day break, a shower and siesta to get revived can be what it takes.
Then, Vamanos! We heard from Orsy as he had another pile in mind that needed our care.
You might say we became experts today at loading that land-fill bound truck and trailer.

Work wrapped up and the Sandy Bay boys came down to our courtyard for some festive futbol, hoops, and football.
The late afternoon was capped with a Taco Monday that included rice and beans and even guacamole.

Then the lights went out…actually everything…as the power was down and the early sunset settled in.
So we gathered and prayed before heading up the hill to spend some time with the kids.

We’re thankful the school had power because the time with the kids will be a fond memory.
Kelsey did an amazing job leading our first devotion about the creation story.
Starting Day 1 with the earth and finishing on Day 6: when He made us completely unique to each other.

The MN crew and the Sandy Bay kids are becoming great friends in no time at all.
Tonight they were singing and laughing and dancing and playing sports and totally having a ball.

On their dining hall wall in Spanish is written Colossians 3:13, 15:
As God has forgiven you, so you should forgive… and let your hearts be governed by the peace of Christ.

The Sandy Bay kids don’t hold grudges or bitterness or pride.
Their hearts are open and giving and loving: reflecting the light of Christ.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Yes! Monday night the power came back before 10:30.
That AC is a game changer in our rooms for relaxing and sleeping.
Definitely a luxury we take for granted back home.

Tuesday morning the dirt was all moved but our shoes are still tracking the remains.
But we had two projects today to serve in different ways.

One group painted a bedroom in the boys dorm.
The other group went out in the community to repair a roof for one of the teachers.

The boys dorms are simple and nice but they are warm!
They don’t get the AC relief from the sweltering heat.

The roof that was repaired was on a simple house that had water coming in when it rains.
Our group removed a couple rows of rusty metal panels and installed some new.
A simple place to live will at least be dry now.

We wrapped up early, so Orsy surprised us with an impromptu trip to the beach.
One more chance for our crew to enjoy the waves and get another swim through the coral reef.

After the beach, we shared our second devotion with the Sandy Bay kids.
Brian talked about God’s might and how our God is able to accomplish His will through His children.

As you enter the boys dorm it says 1 John 2:10:
“Whoever loves his brother abides in the light,
And in him there is no cause for stumbling.

This Sandy Bay lighthouse creates a loving community,
Their light is focused on the path of the King.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Today was the Island Tour Day and Orsy was our guide.
We joke that Orsy knows the whole island, so we were in good hands!

We drove down the West End shore lined with palm trees and boats.
But our first stop would take us up above the trees.

We were going to fly like the birds at South Shore Zip-Line Adventures.
All had a blast soaring above with views of the tree canopy.

Back on the bus we drove by the Cruise Ship ports and then climbed to a high vantage point.
It was a group photo stop, with a chance to walk through some flea market shops.

On the way to the High Point cafe Orsy stopped at a stand to get some lichas to share, which is a sweet local fruit.
Then we dined up high at Kristi’s Overlook, with the Honduran mainland across the bay, as we enjoyed a nice lunch out.

Vamanos, to the bus: we were heading east across the Roatan County line.
Entering into Jose Santos Guardiola county for a very unique boat ride.

Orsy jumped out again at a local stand to get us some baked goods to share for the home stretch ride.
We made it to port and split in two boats for our tour from the Jonesville Bay.

We saw some interesting constructions of shelters and homes right above the water.
Then rode through long tunnels of amazing mangrove trees, another sign of God’s creativity.

Next we docked at a spot next to the sea for a chance to get out and swim.
A nice cool off in the sandy turquoise waters to end the day with a grin.

Devotion time tonight we focused on God’s all-knowing omniscience.
Kyle shared about how God knows the numbers of hair on our heads, the stars in the sky and grains of sand on the shore.
He knows everything about us, the good and the bad, yet he wants us to run to his arms.

Over the days, we’ve learned little bits about the kids that have found a family with Banesa and Orsy.
One boy was left at their gate only a few days old; and another girl they picked up from the hospital right after she was born.
And now they are healthy and happy and full of life and love; their Father’s smiling down from Heaven above!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

We got a little extra sleep this morning before we all headed to the super market.  Orsy had a system with 4 carts:
1st cart 13 bags of rice, go! 2nd cart follow me, 13 boxes of cereal, go!
3rd cart follow me, 13 loaves of bread; 4th cart follow me, 13 scotch brite pads, Vamanos!
And the 1st cart would get another item and so on and so forth following Orsy around the store with efficiency.

Back at home, Orsy had another system and we loaded the bags in no time.
Then off to lunch with hibiscus punch and chicken and steak fajitas and beans and rice.

At 2 it was time to venture, up the hill, out into the community.
A chance for us to bless some families that live near one of the Beacon School teachers.

An amazing chance to meet some folks who the teacher suggested we bless.
On behalf of Sandy Bay Ministries and Hillside Church and above all ambassadors of Christ.

Within this neighborhood was a range of situations and homes and circumstances,
But God had a plan for each interaction.

We made introductions and blessed them with food and supplies and learned a bit of their story.
Then prayed for their needs, shared some scripture, and over their home sent our blessings.

Some welcomed us in, some shared pictures of their family, some conversed with us on their front porch.
But they all took the time to make us feel welcomed and heard and valued.

These folks lived simply, but they all knew the value of each and every soul.
Some were believers and some were not; but we’ll keep praying for them all is the goal.

You see God our creator, who is mighty to save, and knows our hairs by number;
He used us to share the love that He showed us when we were in a dark slumber.

You aren’t what you accomplish, you aren’t your status, and you aren’t defined by your stuff.
Each time you show love to anyone; you are helping to build His kingdom up.

We all came back with plenty to process and no doubt this afternoon we’ll always remember.
But we got cleaned up, and put on our least-smelling stuff, to go to dinner to honor Orsy and Banesa.

To West End we went, to dine shore side, to enjoy a nice sunset meal.
Orsy and Banesa, may you always be blessed for giving your life away, day by day;
For the betterment of others!

“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.
And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you
And pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.”
-Malachi 3:10

This trip was made possible through the prayer and financial support of so many at Hillside. Thank you for your generosity!