Wednesday Nights, 6:30-8P
Wednesdays are a ton of fun, with something for every kid, birth-grade 6!

Birth-Age 2
Loving care is provided for the littlest ones on Wednesday Nights!

Age 3-Kindergarten
Preschoolers and Kindergarteners get to experience Kids ROCK Jr., where they’ll discover the joy of reaching out for Christ’s Kingdom!

Grades 1-4
Kids ROCK are our clubs for kids grades 1-4, where they’ll learn what it means to really ROCK (Reach Out for Christ’s Kingdom). Kids are divided into groups based on grade and gender. Games, gym time, prizes, Bible memory, and more are all a part of the fun!

Grades 5-6
On Wednesday nights, 5th and 6th grade kids get to experience IMPACT! Gym games, competition, Bible knowledge, discussions and incentives are all a part this ministry—meant to equip kids to make an IMPACT in their world!