Hillside Sunday Bulletin | September 17, 2023

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The worship service is streaming live. Please be mindful of mobile phones and noises that could interfere. Thank you!


Worship Through Song

Ministry Moment:  The Timothy Initiative (TTI)

Worship Through Giving

Kids dismissed to classes: (9:00 Service: Age 4-Grade 6; 10:45 Service: Ages 3-K)
Worship Through Song


“Revealer of Dreams: Daniel 2:1-46”
Brian Gingerich, Senior Pastor

Worship Through Song

If you need prayer, members of our prayer team will be available to pray with you
at the front of the Worship Center immediately following the service. 

STUDENTS GRADES 7-12: Immediately following the 9:00 service,
join us in the youth room (downstairs) for a 30-minute sermon discussion!


We’d love to connect with you & answer any questions you have.
• If you’re with us in person, please stop by the I’m New Here counter in the hallway to say hi!
• Please complete an I’m New Here card so that we can email you some information that might be helpful to you.



Birth-age 3: Childcare is available during the entire service.

Age 4-Grade 6: Begin the service worshiping with their families, then will be invited to go to their classes midway through the service.


Birth-35 months: Childcare is available during the entire service.

Age 3-4-5-K: Begin the service worshiping with their families, then will be invited to go to their class midway through the service.


5:30PM • 9/20 Menu: Tater Tot Hotdish
Please register by tonight at 11:59PM  hillsidemn.org/supper



At Hillside, we want to help you follow Jesus in all aspects of your life. One of the core ways we do that is through Small Groups—groups of 5—12 people who meet regularly to connect, grow, and serve together. We would love to help you find a group that’s right for you!

 Learn more now: hillsidemn.org/smallgroups



FALL FEST: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Wednesday, October 4, 5:30-8PM  We’re excited to host another night of family fun for our community, and we need your help to make it happen! Please sign up to volunteer for a shift at hillsidemn.org/fallfest.

THE GOSPEL PROJECT: Sundays, 9AM, Room 158. A weekly, interactive class for adults where we’ll dive deep into the big story of the entire Bible. Come each week or pop in when you can! Learn more at hillsidemn.org/events.

HOUSE OF PRAYER MEETING: Wednesday Nights, 6:30-7:45PM,  Room 155. Join us in praying for the needs of our church, community, and world!

CELEBRATE RECOVERY FOR MEN: Wednesday Nights, 6:30-8PM,  Conference Room. Are you desiring freedom from hurts, hang-ups, habits, and additions? Join us on Wednesday nights. No registration required. Questions? Jim Meredyk, jvm4ephesians6@gmail.com

HILLSIDE HOMESCHOOL MAMAS: Meets this Wednesday, 9/20, 6:30-8PM, Room 156. We meet each month to connect & pray for each other!

THE TIMOTHY INITIATIVE TRAINING CENTER INFO MEETING Tuesday, September 26, 6:30-7:30PM, Cafeteria. Would you like to learn how to share your faith and disciple others? We are opening up a Timothy Initiative Training Center soon to help you do just that! Come to this vision-cast meeting to learn more! Registration helpful: hillsidemn.org/events

GRIEFSHARE: Thursdays, 6-9PM, September 28-January 4, Conference Room. A support group for anyone grieving the loss of someone dear. Join anytime.Questions? Jim Meredyk, jvm4ephesians6@gmail.com

BAPTISMS: Sunday, October 8, both services. Are you ready to take this step in your walk with Christ? Sign up at hillsidemn.org/baptism.

SIGN UP TO BE A PRAYER PAL: Prayer Pals is our ministry that connects Hillside kids (Grades 1-6) with an adult who loves Jesus and commits to pray for them. All kids and adults who would like to participate need to sign up at hillsidemn.org/prayerpals.

STUDENT MINISTRY SCHOLARSHIPS: Would you be willing to go above & beyond your regular giving to help provide funds for students in need to attend retreats and other impactful events (including our upcoming fall retreat?)  Contact Matthew Bostrom, matthew@hillsidemn.org