Meet the Staff: Nikki Wallace, Communications Manager

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Welcome to our “Meet the Staff” column, where we’ll get to know each of Hillside’s staff members a little better, “Q & A” style!


Nikki Wallace

What is your job title?

Communications Manager

What are your job responsibilities?

I handle all graphic design and visual branding; I write the Hillside Weekly email and all church-wide/large scale communications; I write the bulletin each week; I promote events and ministries, developing promotional plans and strategies for helping people connect at Hillside; I manage the website; I oversee our social media accounts; I manage the Church Center app; I set up the sign-ups for events; various other responsibilities as they arise!

How long have you worked at Hillside?

Officially on staff since 2018, but did quite a bit of graphic design work for Hillside for a few years before that.

Tell us a little bit about your background:

I grew up right here in west Bloomington, in a wonderful Christian home. I was homeschooled and attended Bethany Academy for several years before finally graduating from Jefferson High School. I then received my Associate of Arts degree from Normandale Community College. I then spent eight years working at a local Christian bookstore, which I really enjoyed. I was also fortunate enough to apprentice under my dad, a graphic designer with his own business. I spent several years working for him, designing book covers for the Christian publishing market.

What are some favorite parts about your job and/or working at Hillside in general?

• I love helping get people connected with what’s happening at Hillside—whether it’s to help them meet Jesus for the first time, or to take a step further in their relationship with Him  through an event or ministry opportunity at Hillside. My prayer is that all of my work will ultimately “put Jesus on display” and help point people to Him.

• I love the opportunity to be creative, think strategically, and to solve problems.

• The staff and everyone at Hillside is so wonderful and truly a joy to work with, which makes it all fun. I am so grateful to get to work here!

Name a favorite passage of Scripture or book of the Bible, and why you like it.

• Ephesians 5:15-16: “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” This is my daily reminder and challenge to continually look for opportunities to glorify God.

• Jeremiah 17:7-8: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” My reminder to simply trust in the Lord to sustain me through all that life has to offer. He is faithful and kind!

What are some of your hobbies?

Reading; singing & leading worship; taking walks; grabbing coffee with a friend; working around my yard (a new hobby this summer is flower gardening). I also have a thing for Broadway musicals (Les Miserables is my all-time favorite!). Much of my time these days is spent driving my amazing kids around town and cheering them on in their various activities/endeavors (dance, soccer, juggling, youth group, etc)!

What are a few of your favorite things these days?

Most evenings this summer I can be found sitting on our deck under the twinkle lights with a stack of books, reading late into the night! Recent reads I enjoyed include “Neighborhoods Reimagined” by Chris & Elizabeth McKinney, “Letters from the Mountain” by Ben Palpant, “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction” by Eugene Peterson, and “I Capture the Castle” by Dodie Smith. I’m also on a Jane Austen kick, currently reading “Emma.”

I enjoy podcasts of all sorts. Some favorites include “Knowing Faith,” “The Pour Over Podcast,” various Church Communications podcasts, and some silly ones too. 🙂 I am also working on listening through the Bible, using the Bible Recap plan on the Dwell app (a Bible app that I highly recommend!).

My current favorite movie is “La La Land” and I am rewatching (and adoring!) the classic show “Little House on the Prairie” with my nine-year old.

Household/family info?

I have been married to my amazing husband, Mark (a.k.a. Wally), since 2005. We have four great kids (ages 16, 15, 13 & 9) and a sweet, 2-year old Goldendoodle named Obi.

What city (or general area of the Twin Cities) do you live in?
