Hillside Sunday Bulletin | August 21, 2022

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The worship service is streaming live. Please silence mobile phones and noises that could interfere. Thank you!


Worship Through Song 

Missions Moment
Dan & Tina Gibbs, Converge

Wrap-Up: God’s Light and Love, 1 John
Brian Gingerich, Senior Pastor

Closing Song


We’re glad you are here today! After the service, please look for our welcome center counter (under the “I am new here” sign in our lobby). Someone there will be happy to answer any questions you have about Hillside. We’d also love for you to fill out a connect card, so you can receive a welcome letter via email with more information.



Childcare is provided during the entire worship service for children birth-age 3. 

Preschool-aged children go with their parents to the worship service and may leave for Kids Worship when announced.

Children in Kindergarten and up will remain in the worship service with their families during the summer months.



 MINISTRY EXPO: Join us in the gym following the worship service next Sunday, Aug. 28, from 11:15am – 12:30pm, to peruse some of the ministries available at Hillside this coming school year. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions and discover where your interests and spiritual gifts fit! Information and registration on all available ministries will be found on our website beginning next Sunday. 

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: Registration is now open for our fall 2022 Sunday morning and Wednesday night kids programs – go to hillsidemn.org/kids. You’ll find separate registrations for each day you are interested in having your child participate. Don’t wait to sign up! Any child (ages 3-6th grade) who registers BEFORE the Ministry Expo on Sunday, Aug. 28, will be entered to win an age/grade level prize (need not be present to win).

LAUNCH: At Hillside we say we are a church of small groups, rather than a church with small groups. We consider our small group ministry a “disciple-making movement” and a key component of our church ministry. Being in a small group is how we help each other follow Jesus and everyone is invited to join! If you are interested in checking out what that could look like for you, we offer Launch – where you can experience a small group. At the last Launch small group meeting the group can decide if they would like to continue meeting as a new small group or individuals can choose to assimilate into existing small groups who are open for membership. Launch will meet in Room 155, during the 9:15 worship service, beginning Sept. 25, continuing for the following five Sundays and ending Nov. 6. Childcare Information: Supervision is available for children age 4 – grade 6 during the first portion of the worship service (their regular classes do not begin until midway through the service). Please register children needing supervision when you register for Launch. They also need to be registered for their regular Sunday morning children’s class. Children birth – age 3 have childcare available during the entire service. You do not need to register them on the Launch form, but they must be registered for the nursery or their Sunday morning children’s class. Register at hillsidemn.org/smallgroups.

GRANDPARENTS PRAYER NIGHT Grandparents, you have the special privilege to pray diligently for your grandchildren! On Sunday night, Sept. 11, from 6:30 – 8:00pm, we will gather with other grandparents to share our joys and burdens for our grandchildren. You will have a chance to brag a little (bring some photos) and then join in prayer with others. The issues facing children today can be overwhelming, which is why we want you as grandparents to be equipped with discerning prayer strategies — and hope!

THE HILLSIDE STORY Whether you are interested in membership or just want to know more about the ministry we call Hillside Church, this class is for you! Led by Caryl Hayward, The Hillside Story is offered 3 – 4 times a year. If you are interested in membership, it is the first step in that process. Sharing your testimony of your faith in Jesus with two Hillside Elders is the next step and is scheduled on completion of the class. Baptism by immersion is also a requirement for membership. Childcare Information: Supervision is available for children age 4 – grade 6 during the first portion of the worship service (their regular classes do not begin until midway through the service). Please register children needing supervision when you register for The Hillside Story. They also need to be registered for their regular Sunday morning children’s class. Children birth – age 3 have childcare available during the entire service. You do not need to register them on The Hillside Story form, but they must be registered for the nursery or their Sunday morning children’s class.. Questions about the class? Contact Caryl Hayward, caryl@hillsidemn.org. Questions about childcare? Contact Katie Schmidt, katie@hillsidemn.org.


Weekly Budget: $29,174.23

8/14 Actual: $52,499.65 Difference: + $23,325.42

Year-to-Date: Budget: $204,219.61

Giving: $186,334.18 Difference: – $17,885.43