Hillside Sunday Bulletin | Sunday, November 24, 2024
The worship service is streaming live. Please be mindful of mobile phones and noises that could interfere. Thank you!
Worship Through Song
Ministry Moment: Caryl Hayward
Worship Through Giving Kids age 4 – grade 6 dismissed to classes;
Grades 7-8 dismissed to “Grounded” class downstairs
Worship Through Song
Scripture Reading: Ruth 4:13-22; Brian Gray (Elder)
Message: “Abundance: Hope Overflowing”
Dr. Brian Gingerich, Senior Pastor
Worship Through Song
Members of our prayer team will be available at the front of the stage immediately
following the service, and would love to pray with you for any needs you may have.
Sunday, November 24, today, right after 10:45 service. Join us for a casual lunch with members of the Hillside staff, where you’ll have the chance to learn a little more about our church and ask any questions you may have.
Kids welcome!
We offer programming for kids birth-grade 6 at both services.
Please Check Your Children In Before the Service Begins. Thank You!
BIRTH-AGE 2: Childcare is available during the whole service.
AGE 3: 9:00 – Childcare is available during the whole service.
10:45 – Attend the first portion of the Worship Service with family until invited to go to class, partway through the service.
AGE 4-GRADE 6: Attend the first portion of the service with family until invited to go
to classes, partway through the service.
Exact drop-off and pick-up locations are listed on the screen in the Children’s Wing.
Dear parents, to help us keep the hallway clear and ensure a smooth transition between services, we kindly ask that you pick up your children promptly after their class ends, and please try to avoid lingering in the Children’s Wing hallway. Thank you!
At Hillside, we want to help you follow Jesus in all aspects of your life. One of the core ways we do that is through Small Groups—groups of 5—12 people who meet regularly to connect, grow, and serve together. We would love to help you find a group that’s right for you!
Learn more now: hillsidemn.org/smallgroups
UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Our lobby is currently being remodeled & space is limited. After the service, we invite to to continue your conversations in the Gym Lobby, the Worship Center, or the Cafeteria. Thank You for your patience and cooperation! Updates: hillsidemn.org/remodel.
Thanksgiving Eve. No Wednesday Night Supper this week! Learn More & Register for Supper:
Church Center App or hillsidemn.org/wednesdayconnect
THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE & PIE SOCIAL: This Wednesday, November 27, 7:00P. You and your family are invited to this special service! We’ll worship together, hear a brief message, and close the service with an opportunity for anyone to share something they are thankful for. A pie social will immediately follow in the cafeteria. Please bring a pie to share!
THANKSGIVING EVE OFFERING: This year, our Thanksgiving Eve offering will go to a fund that Converge MidAmerica has established to provide relief to those dealing with the aftermath of the recent hurricanes in the Southeast region of our country. Please prayerfully consider what to contribute!
2024 MEN’S TURKEY BOWL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT: Saturday, November 30, 8:30A. All men age 18+ are invited to this touch football tournament—whether you want to play or just watch! Sign up as a team or on your own and we’ll place you on a team. Pizza lunch to follow!
Register at hillsidemn.org/events.
DAY OF PRAYER & FASTING: Tuesday, Dec. 3 (all day); Prayer meeting at
Hillside from 6:30-7:30P. The Hillside Elders invite you to set this day aside to seek guidance and clarity from the Lord regarding the future usage of our building, then join us for a special prayer meeting in the evening.
SENIOR ADULT CHRISTMAS PARTY: Saturday, December 7, 2:00-5:00P,
Hillside Cafeteria. Gather with other senior adults for a time of light refreshments and fellowship! Bring a wrapped, $10 gift for our gift exchange. Sign up in the lobby today or at hillsidemn.org/events.
HILLSIDE KIDS CHRISTMAS MUSICAL: Performances on Sunday, December 8, and Wednesday, December 11,* 6:30P. You won’t want to miss this year’s musical, “A Play in a Manger,” presented by Hillside’s elementary-age kids!
*The Wednesday performance will also include a special Christmas presentation by Hillside Preschoolers and Kindergarteners.
Sunday’s Performance: A cookie reception will immediately follow!
Wednesday’s Performance: Invite your guests to Wednesday Night Supper at 5:30! It’s not too early to register! hillsidemn.org/supper.
HILLSIDE CARE MINISTRIES: Did you know that Hillside offers several ministries designed to bring you support in difficult circumstances? Our Care Ministries include GriefShare (for those who have lost a loved one), Celebrate Recovery for Men (to help men who are struggling with hurts, hangups, & habits), Adoptive & Foster Dads Support Group (providing prayer and encouragement), and Stephen Ministry (one-on-one emotional support for those who are facing a challenging season of life). Learn more at hillsidemn.org/care.
Save the dates:
12/24: Christmas Eve Services, 1:00, 2:30, 4:00. Childcare for birth-3 available during the 2:30 & 4:00 services.
1/25: Winter Staycation Day. In lieu of the winter retreat – a day of winter fun! More information coming soon.
FINANCIAL UPDATE: YTD: $659,503.18 YTD budget: $689,808.00
Difference: -$30,304.82 | hillsidemn.org/giving
For a Complete List of Upcoming Events &
Opportunities, Visit hillsidemn.org/events.